Back in Heels

So, I know its been quite some time but I have been not been too worried about my own shoes but rather shoes more like this:

and like these:

Lord DB and I welcomed a laid back little boy nicknamed Squirmy D in June.  And I finally think I am ready to trade in my comfy flip-flops for high heels so again I will be instilling my shoe wisdom on you along with trends and lusts!

9 ways to stay healthy while being social and not lame

As a part of today’s Ohio Blogging Association‘s Cleveland November Blog Swap, I’m happy to introduce you to Julie from Wearing Mascara. On this day, bloggers from around the Northeast Ohio area are guest posting on one another blogs as a way to help to get one another in our blogging community. For a full listing of blog swap participants, please visit Poise in Parma today.”  Be kind and enjoy!

Hello everyone!

Major thanks to Jenn for letting me take over her blog today!

Muhahaha, oh the possibilities.

Anywho, HI! I’m Julie and I blog at Wearing Mascara {dot} com.

I just moved back to Northeast Ohio (Lakewood, specifically). For the past five years, I’ve lived in Washington, DC, Pittsburgh, PA, and Lancaster, PA. Whew – it’s been a whirlwind, that’s for sure.

Since I just moved back, I am focusing on one thing: staying healthy while being social. It’s a challenge, because I do not want to turn down invitations because I am trying to meet people and establish a core group of friends.

In order to help you, and myself, I’ve created a list of nine ways to stay healthy all while being social and not completely lame.

One: Eat Soup

I love eating out. Give me a restaurant, exotic food and drinks, and a good friend and I’m a happy camper! This can be dangerous though, because in my experience, everyone wants to order appetizers, on top of the delicious entrees! One healthy living tip I’ve tried before is to order yourself some broth based soup while everyone is digging into their fried mozzarella sticks. This will keep your mouth and hands busy all while helping you eat less throughout your meal. Plus, you won’t feel left out of the appetizer munching.

Two: Exercise with friends

Exercise does not have to be a lonely chore. Find a running partner, exercise group, or join a group fitness class! You are guaranteed to make at least one new friend and exercise does not seem like such a bore. Some of the best gossip sessions I’ve had was walking or running with a gal pal.

Three: Embrace alone time

This is an area I am struggling with right now. The fact of the matter is that I do not have plans 24/7 and I need to embrace that time for myself. It’s unrealistic of me to believe that I will always have plans and friends to lean on when I’m lonely. When you’re alone, take that time to do something you love to do! For me, it’s shopping. I love to shop alone because I know exactly where I want to go and what I want to buy.

Four: Nurse a beer and get some water

It’s Saturday night and you and your girls are going to West 6th to get your dance on. You listened to my advice (see number two) and you have a group run in the morning. This does not mean you shouldn’t go out! It just means you can’t get wasted, right? Buy a light beer and nurse it all night. No one will know that you only had one drink. If the beer runs out, get some water at the bar (don’t forget to tip the bartender!). Again, no one will know that it’s water.

Five: Drink water

Water needs to have it’s own tip, aside from number five. I’ve been known to down a ton of water when I’m out to eat because it keeps me full, my mouth busy, and hydrated! Order water at restaurants, bars, and have a water bottle handy when out with friends.

Six: Try exotic restaurants

In my experience, different types of restaurants, aside from American, will have healthier options. For example, have you ever tried Ethiopian food? The portions are right, it’s not greasy, and is poured over doughy bread. Indian food is also in this category. Trying these types of restaurants allows you to socialize, and create a great experience.

Seven: Share, share, share!

The other night, I went to Deagan’s to partake in their pumpkin menu with my pal Crystal. She and I both wanted to try different dishes, including the Gnocchi and the pumpkin cheesecake, which are heavy dishes. Instead of ordering our own portions, we split them both and still had one portion each for leftovers! This also saved mula.

Eight: Call a friend

For my emotional and social health, sometimes it just helps to call a friend. This helps to keep you socialized, in a healthy way. You’d be surprised which friends are always up for a gabbing session.

Nine: Order what YOU want

When out with friends, order what you want, not what everyone else is having. Scenario: You are out with friends and all of them are ordering margaritas. You’re not feeling the drinks, but you order one just because everyone else is doing it. What’s happening is very sociological and it’s hard to catch. This actually happens to me frequently, because my friends will order one type of drink, when I’m really craving a beer. I have to watch myself and make sure I satisfy my craving and therefore, not crave it later.

There you have it! Feel free to visit my blog (Please link my blog: and connect with me. Have a great day, Cleveland!


Thankful Thursday

Cause its more than just on turkey day that we should be thankful!

What I am thankful for this week:

1.  Tis season for all things pumpkin…Pumpkin Lattes, Pumpkin Pie, Pumpkin Bars, etc.  Can’t hide from all things pumpkin and delicious.  Perhaps I can find some pumpkin colored heels or boots?

2.  Sunny days in November…can you believe this weather in November?  Loving it!

3.  More celebrity shoe lines coming out-it goes beyond Jessica Simpson and Fergie now…looking forward to it!  Rumor has it, H&M will be having a guest designer collection from Jimmy Choo sometime this month…hope this one proves free.  We need to get Jimmy Choo’s to the masses!

4.  Shoe trend that is going on for the winter – buckles everywhere.  I LOVE IT…can’t wait to explore this trend.  Mixes a little femininity with a little S&M with a little masculinity.  Oh, man, I love these Louboutins below!

Thankful Thursday

Since its just not a Turkey Day Celebration, lets give a little thanks for the little things in life that we are appreciative of.

1.  The crunch of leaves under your boots…we are not discussing the raking of said leaves.

2.  Pandora Radio online to make the workday fly by a little faster with your own stations.

3.  Good fitting pair of comfort shoes to wear to the airport and to make a long day just a bit easier.  See ya soon, Milwaukee.  Don’t be jealous.

4.  Thankful for so many options when searching for winter/snow boots…they aren’t as ugly as I remember them from childhood.  Endless and DSW have some great options, as well, as Amazon.

5.  Dr. Scholl’s In-Soles for High Heels – make standing just a bit easier.  Find them at Walgreens or CVS, or your local drugstore.

6.  Pedicures…Its been quite a bit of time since my last one since its now a luxury but I dream of one just for the relaxation and pretty-ifying part.  Plus makes your peep toe shoes all the better.  If you go to the Opi Website you can even see all the colors before you get to the salon.  Whoever names those nail polishes is a genius-even with Muppet Colors, i.e., Warm & Fozie, Rainbow Connection.

Now, these aren’t exactly snow boots!

Happy November, Everybody!

Wednesday Why?

OH, Mr. Madden,

You have gone and done it again.  Why do tease so much?

You should know better than to make women’s shoes that we actually need to sustain our lives.  Its amazing how you know always just what I need.  Your blue Stevens by Madden Girl are what I have been looking for almost all my adult life.  Who doesn’t need a perfect blue shoe, and a wedge at that?  Thank you for designing shoes with me in mind…you make me feel special.  I could see these with dark jeans, black pants, a nice skirt, a dress, oh so versatile.

Perhaps I could get a job naming your shoes in exchange for the full collection?  I can get creative…seems like a good barter to me.  Whatcha say?  Doesn’t hurt to ask.

Friday Fergie Finds

Oh, sweet alliteration…how do I love thee…

So I was getting ready for work and watching one of my loves this morning…E!News…and they were showing off Fergie’s shoe line.  Holy Sweet Baby Jesus, does she has some great stuff coming out.  I am in love with the lacing up the back of the heels and her wedge boots.

Take a look at these:

Imagine the possibilities…these are her Women’s Bionic Too shoes…beautiful and different enough to stand out.

Also her wedge Fairbanks boots…even if I am not kewl enough to wear them, I can still lust, right?

You can find her shoes at different stores but if you shop her official site – – and ‘like’ her on FB, you can get 15% off everything…not too shabby-chic I’d say.

Thankful Thursday

Since giving thanks is not just for a Thursday in November.

“Silent gratitude isn’t much use to anyone.”

Today I give thanks for a few random things:

1.  Shoe tip replacement…have you ever loved a pair of shoes, stepped between the cracks of a sidewalk and lost the tip which leaves you walking on a nail.  Super uncomfortable plus you click-clack even louder than ever…and watch for slippage on smooth surfaces-asking for trouble.  You can find these tip replacements online or your local shoe cobbler.  They come in different sizes, but the stiletto types are the easiest to find and replace.  All you need are replacement tips, a pair of pliers to pull the current screw out and a hammer/mallet to shove the new tip on, carefully, of course.  Easy, cheesy.  Try Amazon-they have packs of them for cheap…good investment, and makes you feel good about your handiness.

2.  Penguins in sweaters.  Nuff said.

3.  The leaves changing (not FALLING THOUGH, not thankful for that) and providing that beautiful autumn feel.

4.  Scarf season that gives you the ability for warmth, style and a pop of color.  Plus you can play off your shoes to give yourself that extra oompf.

Hope you have your own gratitudes as nothing is without thanks.

New Addition to the Family

Friday night was low-key for Lord DB and I…went out for pizza, tried not to fight this other family, got some free pizza cause our order was wrong and went to look at small kitchen tables.  We went to a couple of stores then Lord DB makes another turn and there is one of my Mecca’s:  DSW!  It was like taking a kid to a candy store, or a teenage boy to a dirty magazine shop.  He went to the mens side, I to the womens.  I was in search of brown pumps to replace my well-worn ones.  After a handful of try ons, I went back to check on him and he found a couple of pairs of browns himself.  He tried some on, strutted his stuff, and picked out a winner.  “Pick me out a winner, Bobby.”  That he did-very nice stuff.

He then inquires, “Did you find anything?”  Um, not here, silly boy, only about a dozen pairs.  It came down to a beautiful pair of Madden Girl deep red heels as I would naughty librarian shoes with the sex strap and all vs. a pair of Katie & Kelly Candy grey pumps also with the sex strap.  I know, I know – neither were brown but these were better.

The greys prevailed…we had input from an old friend we ran into and I was convinced.  Made our purchases, got my free, previously mentioned Rumer Tote, and went on our merry shoe way.

Of course I couldn’t wait long to wear these new treats…wore them to Church on Sunday with a black skirt and light grey sweater.  Amazingly comfortable while standing for about two hours…couldn’t believe it!  I may have found a new brand to lust over if all of their shoes are made like this!

Thank you, DSW, for this fabulous find!

And for those who may be asking what the sex strap is, it means they will stay on in all instances…ahem.


Thankful Thursday

Since it’s not just a Thursday in November (or October, eh?) to give thanks on!

Gratitude :

The quality of being thankful; readiness to show appreciation for and to return kindness.
  1. Neosporin with pain relief-sure it helps facial blemishes while moisturizing and cuts as demonstrated on the commercials but the way it works for blisters is amazing. Slap on a little neosporin and a small bandaid…life is good.  No pain and its healing.
  2. Fall weather that gives you a chance to wear all your light weight sweaters which then lends way to wearing beautiful boots with jeans.  All in all perfect weather, thank you, Cleveland for today, unless you start raining then I am taking my gratitude back.**
  3. Purchases at DSW in store or online that give you free stuff all while earning points: Free Rumer black tote for members with a $39.95 purchase which would then qualify you for free shipping.  Must be a member but most are, right?
  4. Good friends from years past that still make you feel warm and fuzzy inside with the ability to pick up right where we left off…with the added bonus of being shoe & puppy lovers, too, i.e. My Cuban Chick!
  5. Weekends away that make you appreciate how comfortable your bed truly is!
  6. Marshalls (much like Ross and TJ Maxx) has an amazing shoe collection with pretty good prices-check there now for boots!
  7. that gives you pics like this:

**I wrote this before it started raining…I take that back, Cleveland, your weather is dreary today.  Might as well move back to Seattle!

Thankful Thursday

We should all give thanks for a lot in our lives and not just on a certain Thursday in November.

Here is a list of extremely important things that I appreciate beyond words:

1.  How Pandora and Hotmail know me well enough to  show shoes from Guess and ads in the margins.

2.  Beagle ears and eyes…remember Pound Puppies…nuff said.

3.  My feet are the perfect size for wearing 6.5, 7, and 7.5 shoes…great selection, especially in clearance sections.

4.  Sunny days with a brisk temperature like 60 or so.

5.  Affordable cute and hot shoes…who can actually afford Manolos?

6.  Reality TV that helps me feel superior but still makes me laugh.

We can only be said to be alive in those moments when our hearts are conscious of our treasures. ~ Thornton Wilder